1964-65 New York World's Fair
Photos on CD

Contents of CD #62


The CD is divided into several sets of slides, which reflect how they were originally photographed. Each of the original slides is listed below. You can see a thumbnail view of each set by clicking on the "Contact Sheet" link in the right-hand column for each set. A new window will open - just close it when you're ready to return to this page.

1964-65 New York World's Fair\Set 255 - September 1964
Name                                                                        Size

001 - West Virginia Pavilion.jpg                                        5,342 kb
002 - Illinois Pavilion - Lincoln quote.jpg                             5,618 kb
003 - Montana Pavilion.jpg                                              5,295 kb
004 - Front view of Long Island Rail Road diesel locomotive.jpg         4,891 kb
005 - Long Island Rail Road logo - Dashing Dan.jpg                      5,813 kb
006 - Korea and Avenue of the United Nations.jpg                        7,287 kb
007 - Republic of Korea - entrance.jpg                                  6,848 kb
008 - Venezuela Pavilion.jpg                                            5,412 kb
009 - Central America and Panama.jpg                                    7,462 kb
010 - Denmark Pavilion.jpg                                              6,667 kb
011 - Masonic Center.jpg                                                6,347 kb
012 - Protestant & Orthodox Pavilion.jpg                                7,251 kb
013 - WBT 2000 Tribes - totem poles.jpg                                 6,754 kb
014 - Hong Kong Pavilion - entrance.jpg                                 6,075 kb
015 - Hong Kong - Chinese Junks.jpg                                     9,518 kb
016 - Spain Pavilion and luminaire.jpg                                  5,793 kb
017 - Indonesia Pavilion - entrance.jpg                                 6,647 kb
018 - UAR Pavilion.jpg                                                  5,341 kb
019 - The Rocket Thrower - silhouette.jpg                               5,612 kb
020 - Jordan Pavilion.jpg                                               7,622 kb
021 - Moroccan Tea Tent.jpg                                             9,068 kb
022 - Republic of the Sudan.jpg                                         6,735 kb
023 - Switzerland.jpg                                                   9,559 kb
024 - Republic of Guinea - entrance.jpg                                 6,378 kb
025 - Sierra Leone Pavilion.jpg                                         6,409 kb
026 - Miss Swiss Watch Movement.jpg                                         9 Mb
027 - Belgian Village - entrance gate.jpg                               7,299 kb
028 - First National City Bank - dusk.jpg                               6,816 kb
029 - Garden of Meditation from Kodak.jpg                               7,995 kb
030 - Pakistan Pavilion.jpg                                             7,233 kb
031 - Minnesota Pavilion - signage.jpg                                  5,822 kb
032 - Vatican Pavilion - Swiss Guards at entrance.jpg                   6,715 kb
033 - Hall of Free Enterprise - Adelphi University classroom.jpg        5,448 kb
034 - Hall of Free Enterprise - Adelphi University classroom.jpg        5,619 kb
035 - Hall of Free Enterprise - Adelphi University classroom.jpg           14 Mb
036 - Court of Nations towards Unisphere.jpg                            5,420 kb
037 - Fireworks near New York State Pavilion.jpg                        2,682 kb
038 - Vatican Pavilion - altar.jpg                                      4,546 kb
039 - Mormon Pavilion.jpg                                               4,998 kb
040 - Coventry Charred Cross (damaged).jpg                              6,367 kb
041 - Coventry Charred Cross.jpg                                        3,986 kb
042 - World's Fair Flag near General Electric.jpg                       9,124 kb
043 - General Electric from Court of the Universe.jpg                   8,950 kb
Click here for contact sheet
1964-65 New York World's Fair\Set 256 - September 1964
001 - Armored car at service building near Shea Stadium.jpg             8,051 kb
002 - Ford - Magic Skyway.jpg                                           4,294 kb
003 - Ford - Autoparts Harmonic Orchestra.jpg                           3,951 kb
004 - Mail truck passing Ford Pavilion.jpg                              4,928 kb
005 - US Royal Giant Tire.jpg                                           3,772 kb
006 - Small World from Kodak roof.jpg                                   7,180 kb
007 - Pan American Highway Gardens from Kodak.jpg                       4,885 kb
008 - Minnesota Pavilion.jpg                                            4,348 kb
009 - New York State - Tent of Tomorrow.jpg                             5,635 kb
010 - Bell System from Court of the Universe.jpg                        5,569 kb
011 - Transportation & Travel from Chrysler.jpg                         4,481 kb
012 - New York, Alaska, Westinghouse from General Motors.jpg            4,936 kb
013 - General Motors - canopy.jpg                                       5,063 kb
014 - New York State towers.jpg                                         5,478 kb
015 - Avenue of the Americas from Kodak roof.jpg                        4,390 kb
016 - Equitable and Pool of Industry.jpg                                5,457 kb
017 - Towards New York State from Better Living Center.jpg              7,657 kb
018 - Highway interchange from Better Living Center.jpg                 5,849 kb
019 - Fountain of the Planets - night.jpg                               4,219 kb
020 - Tower of Light - night (blurry).jpg                               4,595 kb
021 - General Electric - night.jpg                                      8,416 kb
022 - Fountains of the Fairs towards Unisphere.jpg                      6,171 kb
023 - Unisphere from Avenue of the Americas.jpg                         4,869 kb
024 - Fountains of the Fairs, Rocket Thrower, Bell System.jpg           4,528 kb
025 - Republic of China.jpg                                             4,313 kb
026 - Night view from Sky Ride (blurry).jpg                             3,367 kb
027 - Fountain of the Planets at night from Sky Ride.jpg                5,955 kb
028 - Tower of Light & General Electric from Sky Ride at night ....jpg  7,221 kb
029 - Space Park - Apollo modules.jpg                                   4,638 kb
030 - Space Park - Aurora 7 Mercury capsule.jpg                         5,135 kb
031 - Lunar Fountain.jpg                                                3,536 kb
032 - Mormon Pavilion.jpg                                               4,736 kb
033 - Festival of Gas at dusk.jpg                                       4,715 kb
034 - Thailand Pavilion.jpg                                             5,089 kb
035 - Unisphere and fountains at night.jpg                              5,340 kb
Click here for contact sheet

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