1964-65 New York World's Fair
Photos on CD

Contents of CD #65


The CD is divided into several sets of slides, which reflect how they were originally photographed. Each of the original slides is listed below. You can see a thumbnail view of each set by clicking on the "Contact Sheet" link in the right-hand column for each set. A new window will open - just close it when you're ready to return to this page.

1964-65 New York World's Fair\Set 263 - August 1965
Name                                                                        Size

001 - Montana Pavilion - deer in pen.jpg                                4,902 kb
002 - Montana Pavilion - dusk.jpg                                       2,741 kb
003 - Rear side of Maryland Pavilion (damaged).jpg                      5,108 kb
004 - 13-star Colonial flag at Maryland Pavilion.jpg                    6,261 kb
005 - Court of the Moon.jpg                                             8,575 kb
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1964-65 New York World's Fair\Set 264 - September 1965
001 - James Bond's Aston Martin (blurry).jpg                            2,986 kb
002 - James Bond's Aston Martin.jpg                                     5,688 kb
003 - Republic of the Sudan.jpg                                         5,743 kb
004 - Trash can and Fountains of the Fairs.jpg                          6,179 kb
005 - Chrysler Turbine Car on track (blurry).jpg                        5,621 kb
006 - Chrysler - cars in fountain area (blurry).jpg                     7,135 kb
007 - Chrysler - boats in fountain area.jpg                             7,260 kb
008 - American Airlines exhibit - Ford Tri-motor.jpg                    5,927 kb
009 - Chrysler - Assemby Line ride.jpg                                  7,583 kb
010 - Hell Drivers - entrance area.jpg                                  5,600 kb
011 - Hell Drivers - 1940 Dodge.jpg                                     6,146 kb
012 - Hell Drivers track area (blurry).jpg                              7,423 kb
013 - Hell Drivers track area.jpg                                       5,974 kb
014 - Hell Drivers track area.jpg                                       5,608 kb
015 - Hell Drivers track area.jpg                                       7,374 kb
016 - Hell Drivers track area.jpg                                       6,571 kb
017 - Hell Drivers track area.jpg                                       5,740 kb
018 - Hell Drivers track area.jpg                                       6,496 kb
019 - Bridge from Transportation Area towards New York State.jpg        4,745 kb
020 - Tower of London gift shop.jpg                                        15 Mb
021 - Florida - alligators.jpg                                          8,575 kb
022 - Santa Maria.jpg                                                   5,978 kb
023 - Quaker Oats (blurry).jpg                                          4,492 kb
024 - Pakistan at dusk.jpg                                              4,502 kb
025 - Protestant & Orthodox Center - Church in the Home.jpg                10 Mb
026 - Pennsylvania Exhibit.jpg                                          4,432 kb
027 - New York State - Tent of Tomorrow.jpg                             5,560 kb
028 - Chrysler - fountain area (blurry).jpg                             5,825 kb
029 - Court of Nations towards Unisphere (blurry).jpg                   7,591 kb
030 - Tower of London.jpg                                               6,764 kb
031 - Switzerland - Le Chalet Restaurant.jpg                            5,250 kb
032 - Republic of Guinea (blurry).jpg                                   4,823 kb
033 - Japan Pavilion - garden area.jpg                                  5,565 kb
034 - Austria and Johnson Wax (blurry).jpg                              6,554 kb
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1964-65 New York World's Fair\Set 265 - October 1965
001 - Fife and Drum band marching past Singer Bowl (blurry).jpg         6,661 kb
002 - Korea - Tabo Pagoda.jpg                                           7,491 kb
003 - Korea - Tabo Pagoda sign.jpg                                      8,273 kb
004 - Korea - Tabo Pagoda.jpg                                           7,745 kb
005 - Korea - Tabo Pagoda.jpg                                           7,492 kb
006 - United States Pavilion - Iwo Jima flag statue.jpg                 6,244 kb
007 - United States Pavilion - military insignia (blurry).jpg           8,158 kb
008 - United States Pavilion - Hall of Presidents entrance (dark).jpg      15 Mb
009 - United States Pavilion - fountain (dark).jpg                      9,428 kb
010 - Fireworks over Fountain of the Planets.jpg                        5,639 kb
011 - Fireworks over Fountain of the Planets.jpg                        4,544 kb
012 - Fireworks over Fountain of the Planets.jpg                        4,769 kb
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1964-65 New York World's Fair\Set 266
001 - New Mexico - performance area.jpg                                 5,040 kb
002 - Hawaii - Aloha sign.jpg                                           7,836 kb
003 - Court of States from United States Pavilion.jpg                   5,215 kb
004 - Boy Scouts - Cub Scout exhibit.jpg                                5,336 kb
005 - Carousel of Progress - Act II.jpg                                 7,830 kb
006 - Carousel of Progress - Act II.jpg                                    14 Mb
007 - Carousel of Progress - Act I.jpg                                     15 Mb
008 - Carousel of Progress - Act IV.jpg                                 9,907 kb
009 - Carousel of Progress - Act IV.jpg                                 7,456 kb
010 - Carousel of Progress - Act III.jpg                                8,769 kb
011 - Carousel of Progress - Act III.jpg                                5,892 kb
012 - Carousel of Progress - Act I.jpg                                     13 Mb
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1964-65 New York World's Fair\Set 267 - Large format - July 1965
001 - Woman sitting near Unisphere.jpg                                  7,441 kb
002 - Unisphere from Swiss Sky Ride.jpg                                 9,352 kb
003 - Unisphere from Swiss Sky Ride.jpg                                 8,787 kb
004 - Guests near Unisphere.jpg                                         9,433 kb
005 - Woman at Court of Nations.jpg                                        10 Mb
006 - Man at Lunar Fountain.jpg                                         9,177 kb
007 - Belgian Village - near carrousel.jpg                                 10 Mb
008 - Belgian Village - sidewalk cafe on Namur Street.jpg                  12 Mb
009 - Belgian Village - central square.jpg                              8,370 kb
010 - Couple on Meadow Lake Bridge.jpg                                  7,930 kb
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1964-65 New York World's Fair\Set 268 - June 1965
001 - Schaefer from Better Living Center.jpg                            3,711 kb
002 - Fountain of the Planets from Better Living Center.jpg             4,816 kb
003 - Kodak from Better Living Center.jpg                               3,111 kb
004 - Better Living Center - model railroad.jpg                            16 Mb
005 - Löwenbräu barrel wagon & Chrysler.jpg                             6,536 kb
006 - Woman sitting at Fountains of the Fairs.jpg                       4,687 kb
007 - Man sitting at Fountains of the Fairs.jpg                         4,096 kb
008 - Court of Nations towards Unisphere.jpg                            5,148 kb
009 - Flowers on Court of the Moon.jpg                                  6,925 kb
010 - Unisphere and fountains.jpg                                       3,287 kb
011 - American Airlines - Ford Tri-Motor.jpg                            7,004 kb
012 - Family in front of T-Rex.jpg                                      7,686 kb
013 - Löwenbräu - band stand.jpg                                        6,954 kb
014 - Löwenbräu beer barrel wagon.jpg                                   6,814 kb
015 - Fountains of the Fairs.jpg                                        5,487 kb
016 - Cities Service World's Fair Band at Greyhound Pavilion.jpg        7,040 kb
017 - Cities Service World's Fair Band at Greyhound Pavilion.jpg        7,009 kb
018 - Cities Service World's Fair Band at Greyhound Pavilion.jpg        8,858 kb
019 - Oregon - log rolling competition.jpg                              4,923 kb
020 - Schaefer - woman with glass.jpg                                   8,702 kb
021 - Diisney chipmunk with girls in Hertz stroller at Kodak Pi....jpg  6,381 kb
022 - Thailand Pavilion.jpg                                             5,510 kb
023 - Unisphere and Court of States.jpg                                 4,429 kb
024 - New York State Tent of Tomorrow.jpg                               5,255 kb
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